I don't remember what I missed, but, I didn't make the whole list.
I know I missed exercise, and I may have forgotten to pray in the morning.
But - I'm making an adjustment to that one. One of the most valuable things that my precious AA sponsor taught me was that I could start my day over anytime.
Total surprise! You mean, if I had a rotten morning, I could still have a good afternoon, for example? Yep! You sure can.
And one way that I make sure to facilitate this, is to hit my knees anytime of day! Especially if I have forgotten in the morning! Or heck, even an extra time! God loves that connection with you!
So usually, when I realize that I've forgotten to say my morning prayers, no matter what time it is, I will hit my knees and say them!
And so - from here on out - if I do this by a long enough time before bedtime - let's say 3pm - then I'm going to count it on the list.
Funny thing is, I usually realize sometime around noon. So that is definitely a good time. I guess it would be kind of silly to say my 'morning prayers' at 6pm, and then go to bed and say my night time prayers at 8pm. LOL
But if I remember in a reasonable amount of time, I'm counting it.
Because not only does that mean I'm 'making the list' - but, more importantly, I'm taking an active role in living the way that my sponsor taught me!
And that rocks! I miss her so damn much - she passed in 1997, and that not only gets me 'on the beam', as we AA's like to say, but, it also makes me feel so much more connected to her!
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