Monday, July 16, 2007

Pictures of my overweight beast

Some of my voters (who need to re-vote, by the way) Winking 2 have informed me of the unbelievable unfairness of my poll! "There are no pictures, Lisa" they've declared!

So I am here today to make things right! Pictures of my precious beastly beast:

Now - to be fair, the above photo was in the summer of 2004, he was only one and a half years old. I have a shortage of pics due to (ack!) extreme data loss when my poor PC crashed!

This next one, is a bit more fair, as it is at his last birthday party, October 8, 2006 - his fourth birthday. So it is definitely more recent. In the photo, he is eating his cake I made for him. Yes, I made him a cake. Hey - did you get cake on your birthday?

So there you have it, folks - the pics that will help you vote and entertain me while I try out this new Blogger poll feature.


Breezie said...

what a cutey, what breed of dog is he ?

I would guess he goes around 110lbs.

Unknown said...

His vet back home(Dallas, TX) and I think he is Great Dane and St. Bernard - but, it is really just anyone's guess, as he is an SPCA dog!

He is just my sweetheart, though - I love him so much!!

Anonymous said...

This is my overweight bad dog named Bear, he is an American Black & Tan Coonhound who is 10 year old now, this picture is around 3 years old...

Anonymous said...

I see it cut off the url, I will do a short one and repost .

Anonymous said...

try this url..

Unknown said...

OMG!!!!! He's so adorable, I can't take it! Look at those feet! And those floppy ears and those big sad dopey eyes!!!

Gorgeous, completely gorgeous - thank you for sharing the pic with me!!

Anonymous said...

I can't get the pic to load from that, I am glad that you could.

Anonymous said...

I have a Pyrenees thats 125 pounds and that dog is probably a good 6 inches shorter than he is. I'm going to have to say around 80.

Unknown said...

Ok, dragonfly - if that's your final answer...

Johann The Dog said...

What a cutie! Yummm, birthday cake. My Mum got me a Gotcha Day cake once, loved it! Thanks for stopping by my blog.....visit again soon, K?

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting me, too, Johann! I'll be sure and visit you some more!