Nope - I didn't make it - I had a super crazy day yesterday!
A journey to health - spiritual, physical, emotional - because it's all about the journey!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Healthy habits for Thurs, February 22
Nope. I didn't make it yesterday - missed out on the exercise.
Doing great on everything else!
Doing great on everything else!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Healthy habits for Wed, February 21

And my sweet and talented friend, Retta - fixed up my reward graphic! Purdy, huh?
The one thing on the list that has been hard for me for about a week is the exercise, but, yesterday I went outside and played with my daughter. It was tons of fun - and it helped me complete the list, too! Perfect!
I think I'm gonna up the water to two bottles, too.
Meeting skipper!!
I am totally busted! Remember this post: Boy howdy, do I need a meeting!
Well, I didn't go to a meeting... *hangs head*
I did get off the computer and call the girl whose father is in the program, but, I didn't get a hold of her.
I had three possible numbers I could call. She has a home and a cell. And then there is the intergroup number.
So first I tried one of her numbers - and it went to voicemail....I got nervous, didn't leave a message, and hung up.
And then didn't call her other number - or the intergroup number.
Go ahead - you can say it...."WIMP!!"
(Oh, for those of you who don't know, intergroup is the office that helps out all the local AA groups and kind of keeps everyone organized. So like, say, if there wasn't anyone available at the actual AA group, I could call intergroup to find out meeting information, or even to talk to someone if I was in a mess...)
So then I was gearing myself up to go Tues. night to the NA meeting, but, it starts at 7pm, and my hubby didn't get home with the car until later.
So here we are on Thursday...the next 'good' time would be tomorrow night, here in town, at one of the local churches.
And that is what I plan on doing. I will let you know what happens.
Well, I didn't go to a meeting... *hangs head*
I did get off the computer and call the girl whose father is in the program, but, I didn't get a hold of her.
I had three possible numbers I could call. She has a home and a cell. And then there is the intergroup number.
So first I tried one of her numbers - and it went to voicemail....I got nervous, didn't leave a message, and hung up.
And then didn't call her other number - or the intergroup number.
Go ahead - you can say it...."WIMP!!"
(Oh, for those of you who don't know, intergroup is the office that helps out all the local AA groups and kind of keeps everyone organized. So like, say, if there wasn't anyone available at the actual AA group, I could call intergroup to find out meeting information, or even to talk to someone if I was in a mess...)
So then I was gearing myself up to go Tues. night to the NA meeting, but, it starts at 7pm, and my hubby didn't get home with the car until later.
So here we are on Thursday...the next 'good' time would be tomorrow night, here in town, at one of the local churches.
And that is what I plan on doing. I will let you know what happens.
Healthy habits for Tues, February 20
I don't remember what I missed, but, I didn't make the whole list.
I know I missed exercise, and I may have forgotten to pray in the morning.
But - I'm making an adjustment to that one. One of the most valuable things that my precious AA sponsor taught me was that I could start my day over anytime.
Total surprise! You mean, if I had a rotten morning, I could still have a good afternoon, for example? Yep! You sure can.
And one way that I make sure to facilitate this, is to hit my knees anytime of day! Especially if I have forgotten in the morning! Or heck, even an extra time! God loves that connection with you!
So usually, when I realize that I've forgotten to say my morning prayers, no matter what time it is, I will hit my knees and say them!
And so - from here on out - if I do this by a long enough time before bedtime - let's say 3pm - then I'm going to count it on the list.
Funny thing is, I usually realize sometime around noon. So that is definitely a good time. I guess it would be kind of silly to say my 'morning prayers' at 6pm, and then go to bed and say my night time prayers at 8pm. LOL
But if I remember in a reasonable amount of time, I'm counting it.
Because not only does that mean I'm 'making the list' - but, more importantly, I'm taking an active role in living the way that my sponsor taught me!
And that rocks! I miss her so damn much - she passed in 1997, and that not only gets me 'on the beam', as we AA's like to say, but, it also makes me feel so much more connected to her!
I know I missed exercise, and I may have forgotten to pray in the morning.
But - I'm making an adjustment to that one. One of the most valuable things that my precious AA sponsor taught me was that I could start my day over anytime.
Total surprise! You mean, if I had a rotten morning, I could still have a good afternoon, for example? Yep! You sure can.
And one way that I make sure to facilitate this, is to hit my knees anytime of day! Especially if I have forgotten in the morning! Or heck, even an extra time! God loves that connection with you!
So usually, when I realize that I've forgotten to say my morning prayers, no matter what time it is, I will hit my knees and say them!
And so - from here on out - if I do this by a long enough time before bedtime - let's say 3pm - then I'm going to count it on the list.
Funny thing is, I usually realize sometime around noon. So that is definitely a good time. I guess it would be kind of silly to say my 'morning prayers' at 6pm, and then go to bed and say my night time prayers at 8pm. LOL
But if I remember in a reasonable amount of time, I'm counting it.
Because not only does that mean I'm 'making the list' - but, more importantly, I'm taking an active role in living the way that my sponsor taught me!
And that rocks! I miss her so damn much - she passed in 1997, and that not only gets me 'on the beam', as we AA's like to say, but, it also makes me feel so much more connected to her!
Healthy habits for Mon, February 19
Nope - didn't make it, but, to be fair - I had six kids at home all day.
It's kind of funny, with all those kids, but, all I missed out on was my exercise!
My daughter had a friend over, and we were taking care of my two nieces.
So it was a noisy and hectic, although happy and fun, day.
I have a lovely friend, Cass, who has eight kids at home - every day - they're all hers!
I could totally do that, but, I think it would be all about the kids. I don't know that I could do all of my online work, as well.
But I guess, one adapts, and maybe I would be as proficient as Cass! Who knows!
I always did want a lot of children, but, nature intervened...
And I'm sure it turned out just like God wanted it. So I shall live vicariously through my friends like Cass!
It's kind of funny, with all those kids, but, all I missed out on was my exercise!
My daughter had a friend over, and we were taking care of my two nieces.
So it was a noisy and hectic, although happy and fun, day.
I have a lovely friend, Cass, who has eight kids at home - every day - they're all hers!
I could totally do that, but, I think it would be all about the kids. I don't know that I could do all of my online work, as well.
But I guess, one adapts, and maybe I would be as proficient as Cass! Who knows!
I always did want a lot of children, but, nature intervened...
And I'm sure it turned out just like God wanted it. So I shall live vicariously through my friends like Cass!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Boy howdy, do I need a meeting!
I couldn't need an AA meeting any worse than I do right now! Yikes!
We moved here on July 1st and I still haven't gone to a meeting yet - have I already talked about that here? Hmm...
Anyway, I have been talking to some of my online friends, who are very supportive, and one of whom is actually in the program. And I have been hemmin' and hawin' about ... "ah, yeah, I'm kind of nervous to go...yada yada..."
And the other day, I just came right out and said it, "I'm scared to go." ...and you know what? Wow! That took all the power out of it! Well, most of the power anyway.
The funny thing is - I think it reduced my 'being scared' back down to 'being nervous' - that's a bit ironic, eh?
The truth shall set you free. How true, how true.
It's like when you're feeling like you want to get drunk (if you're an alcoholic) and you tell your friends..."yeah, it sure would be nice to sit on the porch on a sunny day and have a beer" or "I never got to try Smirnoff Ice, sure would like to try that"
When inside, maybe even hidden from yourself, what you're really thinking is,
"I want to get drunk!" Damn, dude - just get honest with yourself, get honest with others, and just SAY IT!!!
It is truly amazing how much power is taken out of it when you do.
When I first started coming around AA, I was truly afraid to say shit like that, to myself or others - I thought that made me a bad alcoholic. (the recovering kind...)
But - guess what? You are an alcoholic! (said into the mirror!) That is actually normal!
Yes, it is normal, completely normal, for me to want to get drunk. It is actually abnormal for me to have a loved one die, a marriage end, a job lost, etc, etc - and stay sober through it!
Because I am an alcoholic.
And all of everything that I learn as it pertains to my drinking, or staying sober, if you will - pertains to all of everything else in my life.
So all I had to say was...."I'm scared to go to a meeting." And that made things so much better.
You know, I'm 36 years old and I'm 15 years sober, and I just thought that my feelings were totally ridiculous. However - I've never lived more than nine miles from my mother - or my home group! I've gone to new groups when I've moved - but, all in the Dallas metroplex.
So it's time for me to cut myself a little slack, and realize that this move is such a big adjustment for me, in many ways.
Now I've got to go - I've got to find a ride to that meeting!
Thanks Peeps! Ya'll ROCK!!!!!!!
We moved here on July 1st and I still haven't gone to a meeting yet - have I already talked about that here? Hmm...
Anyway, I have been talking to some of my online friends, who are very supportive, and one of whom is actually in the program. And I have been hemmin' and hawin' about ... "ah, yeah, I'm kind of nervous to go...yada yada..."
And the other day, I just came right out and said it, "I'm scared to go." ...and you know what? Wow! That took all the power out of it! Well, most of the power anyway.
The funny thing is - I think it reduced my 'being scared' back down to 'being nervous' - that's a bit ironic, eh?
The truth shall set you free. How true, how true.
It's like when you're feeling like you want to get drunk (if you're an alcoholic) and you tell your friends..."yeah, it sure would be nice to sit on the porch on a sunny day and have a beer" or "I never got to try Smirnoff Ice, sure would like to try that"
When inside, maybe even hidden from yourself, what you're really thinking is,
"I want to get drunk!" Damn, dude - just get honest with yourself, get honest with others, and just SAY IT!!!
It is truly amazing how much power is taken out of it when you do.
When I first started coming around AA, I was truly afraid to say shit like that, to myself or others - I thought that made me a bad alcoholic. (the recovering kind...)
But - guess what? You are an alcoholic! (said into the mirror!) That is actually normal!
Yes, it is normal, completely normal, for me to want to get drunk. It is actually abnormal for me to have a loved one die, a marriage end, a job lost, etc, etc - and stay sober through it!
Because I am an alcoholic.
And all of everything that I learn as it pertains to my drinking, or staying sober, if you will - pertains to all of everything else in my life.
So all I had to say was...."I'm scared to go to a meeting." And that made things so much better.
You know, I'm 36 years old and I'm 15 years sober, and I just thought that my feelings were totally ridiculous. However - I've never lived more than nine miles from my mother - or my home group! I've gone to new groups when I've moved - but, all in the Dallas metroplex.
So it's time for me to cut myself a little slack, and realize that this move is such a big adjustment for me, in many ways.
Now I've got to go - I've got to find a ride to that meeting!
Thanks Peeps! Ya'll ROCK!!!!!!!
AA meeting,
Healthy habits for Sun, February 18
I didn't make it - I missed the exercise and the water bottle.
But I think I'm going to change the fruit/veggie thing to 3 a day - because I've been eating a can of fruit, and it says it is 3 1/2 servings.
I just hope that on the days we are out of fruit and I have to eat something I don't like quite as much, say french green beans - that I can eat as much.
Surely I can - right?
But I think I'm going to change the fruit/veggie thing to 3 a day - because I've been eating a can of fruit, and it says it is 3 1/2 servings.
I just hope that on the days we are out of fruit and I have to eat something I don't like quite as much, say french green beans - that I can eat as much.
Surely I can - right?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Healthy habits for Sat, February 17
No, I didn't make the list yesterday. It was a gloomy, cloudy day outside and in my mental state.
I didn't just totally blow off the list - the gloom wasn't that heavy, but, I didn't make all of it.
Sun came out today - feeling a bit better...will report in the morning..
I didn't just totally blow off the list - the gloom wasn't that heavy, but, I didn't make all of it.
Sun came out today - feeling a bit better...will report in the morning..
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Healthy habits for Fri, February 16

But - this is my first attempt at a 'You've done it' trophy for myself on the days I make it - not very good, eh?
I'll keep working on it - or I might just give up and ask my friend, Retta - to make one for me!
First I think I'll give it a go a time or two more, though....
Healthy habits for Thurs, February 15
I should've come in here sooner to report, because I am forgetting details, but, I do know that I didn't make it on Thursday - I might have only been missing the exercise.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Healthy habits for Wed, February 14
Nope - didn't make it, but, I had a great day!
I just missed the exercising part.
I think I'm going to finish the list today, though.
I just missed the exercising part.
I think I'm going to finish the list today, though.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Healthy habits for Tues, February 13
Yea!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
It's been several days - maybe even over a week, but, yesterday - I finished my Naturally Lisa to-do list!!!
I'm going to make a graphic for the days I make the list - I think I'll use the flower picture in my sidebar....
It's been several days - maybe even over a week, but, yesterday - I finished my Naturally Lisa to-do list!!!
I'm going to make a graphic for the days I make the list - I think I'll use the flower picture in my sidebar....
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Healthy habits for Sat-Sun, February 10-11
I know I didn't make the list on these two days, but, I can't remember what I missed.
I was still focused on the goal - and that is the important thing.
And I know I prayed - and that is mega-important!
I was still focused on the goal - and that is the important thing.
And I know I prayed - and that is mega-important!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Smoothies - A great way to get my one a day
I know, I know - it really should be five a day, I am working up to it. I've been eating a whole can of fruit, so that is like 2 or 3 a day, really.
I know it's important to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. It's just not always so easy. That's where smoothies come in. Delicious and nutritious smoothies can be a secret weapon to ensuring I get enough fruit in my diet.
Here are some yummy smoothie combinations that are great for breakfast or any time of the day. Simply throw all of the ingredients in the blender and blend on high for 1 to 2 minutes.
Bananarama – 1 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla soy yogurt, dash of vanilla Silk
Mango Mania – 1 mango (cut and pitted), 1/4 cup orange juice
Peach Medley – 1 peach (cut and pitted), 1 banana, 1/4 cup orange juice
Berry Surprise – 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, ¼ cup of Vanilla Silk
Strawberry Ice – 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup orange juice, I cup crushed ice
Honey melon – 1 cup chopped honey dew lemon pieces, 1/4 cup apple juice, tablespoon honey.
Banana Boost – 1 banana, 1/4 shredded wheat cereal (or other high fiber cereal), 1/4 cup Vanilla Silk. A great way to get extra fiber and vitamins into my diet.
And if it's hot outside why not try smoothie popsicles. They make a great alternative to sugary ice cream and are a delicious summer treat. For a creamier consistency try adding 1/4 cup soy yogurt of your choice to the recipes above and pour the smoothie mixture into popsicle molds. If you don't have popsicle molds you can use paper cups or even ice cube trays. Fill cups or tray and when half frozen and slushy, insert popsicle stick and leave until fully frozen.
You don't have to stick to the recipes above, just about any of your favorite fruit combinations will taste delicious in a homemade smoothie. It's also a great way to let kids get involved in the kitchen. Let them choose their favorite fruits and let them help you peel and chop them up (according to their age of course). They can also pour liquid ingredients into measuring cups.
Smoothies are not only a great way to get your everybody to eat more fruit. They're also easy to prepare and best of all delicious.
I know it's important to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. It's just not always so easy. That's where smoothies come in. Delicious and nutritious smoothies can be a secret weapon to ensuring I get enough fruit in my diet.
Here are some yummy smoothie combinations that are great for breakfast or any time of the day. Simply throw all of the ingredients in the blender and blend on high for 1 to 2 minutes.
Bananarama – 1 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla soy yogurt, dash of vanilla Silk
Mango Mania – 1 mango (cut and pitted), 1/4 cup orange juice
Peach Medley – 1 peach (cut and pitted), 1 banana, 1/4 cup orange juice
Berry Surprise – 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, ¼ cup of Vanilla Silk
Strawberry Ice – 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup orange juice, I cup crushed ice
Honey melon – 1 cup chopped honey dew lemon pieces, 1/4 cup apple juice, tablespoon honey.
Banana Boost – 1 banana, 1/4 shredded wheat cereal (or other high fiber cereal), 1/4 cup Vanilla Silk. A great way to get extra fiber and vitamins into my diet.
And if it's hot outside why not try smoothie popsicles. They make a great alternative to sugary ice cream and are a delicious summer treat. For a creamier consistency try adding 1/4 cup soy yogurt of your choice to the recipes above and pour the smoothie mixture into popsicle molds. If you don't have popsicle molds you can use paper cups or even ice cube trays. Fill cups or tray and when half frozen and slushy, insert popsicle stick and leave until fully frozen.
You don't have to stick to the recipes above, just about any of your favorite fruit combinations will taste delicious in a homemade smoothie. It's also a great way to let kids get involved in the kitchen. Let them choose their favorite fruits and let them help you peel and chop them up (according to their age of course). They can also pour liquid ingredients into measuring cups.
Smoothies are not only a great way to get your everybody to eat more fruit. They're also easy to prepare and best of all delicious.
Healthy habits for Fri, February 9
Once again, all but the exercising.
And again, a good, productive day.
And since I had exercising on my mind all day, I was doing a lot of moving around at every opportunity.
Like usually, when I take Puppy out back, the cable we hook him up to is at the top of the stairs, I hook him up, he's goes down, and I go back in the house. I tried, as often as possible, to go downstairs with him and hook him up down there. That is what I used to do, anyway - before Puppy discovered that he could actually come upstairs while he was still hooked up to the cable.
And that had me going up and down those stairs all day long.
So any little thing like that, I tried to do. When I went down the inside stairs to the garage, to get his food, I went up and down the stairs an extra time, just for the 'move your body' effect!
I tell you, I was full of bounding energy yesterday! Don't know where it came from - but, really - it kept me 'moving my body' all day - even if I didn't actually exercise!
And again, a good, productive day.
And since I had exercising on my mind all day, I was doing a lot of moving around at every opportunity.
Like usually, when I take Puppy out back, the cable we hook him up to is at the top of the stairs, I hook him up, he's goes down, and I go back in the house. I tried, as often as possible, to go downstairs with him and hook him up down there. That is what I used to do, anyway - before Puppy discovered that he could actually come upstairs while he was still hooked up to the cable.
And that had me going up and down those stairs all day long.
So any little thing like that, I tried to do. When I went down the inside stairs to the garage, to get his food, I went up and down the stairs an extra time, just for the 'move your body' effect!
I tell you, I was full of bounding energy yesterday! Don't know where it came from - but, really - it kept me 'moving my body' all day - even if I didn't actually exercise!
Healthy habits for Thurs, February 8
I only missed out on the exercising....I was saving it until the last minute - like 10 at night! Which was silly in the first place, and then hubby came home and needed to talk to me about stuff, so I didn't ever get around to it.
But I did have a good, productive day so it's all good!
But I did have a good, productive day so it's all good!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
I definitely prayed today!
Yep - I most definitely prayed this morning!
That's because I was sobbing and scared to death. I think this move might be even harder than having the hysterectomy - which completely rocked my world! (Yes, I know, I have three beautiful children - but, it's completely normal for women to get depressed over it. The doc told me senior citizens get depressed over it - and I was only 26!)
Well, plus I lost my precious grandmother and my wonderful best friend, Sammie - right around that time, too. It was just a really, really hard time.
And my father and I weren't really talking - ugh, I'm getting depressed just thinking about it.
Anyhoo - this move is kicking our asses!
We need $7000 - like, today!
Hubby is talking about selling the van and the truck. Oh my God. I don't know how we'll ever get a replacement vehicle - for either one of us.
Our credit is too bad to finance, and we surely won't have enough money to just outright buy one.
But when you're stucker than stuck, drastic measures sound like they will save the day.
So there is a real possibility we might lose both vehicles and the house.
I just keep reminding myself that God doesn't have any grandchildren. And I am trying to feel His loving arms supporting me.
But I am so scared. Or, I was so scared. After having a long (bawling) talk with God this morning, I feel somewhat better. Like I know it all still sucks, but, I'm not scared to death anymore.
God didn't bring me this far to drop me.
That's because I was sobbing and scared to death. I think this move might be even harder than having the hysterectomy - which completely rocked my world! (Yes, I know, I have three beautiful children - but, it's completely normal for women to get depressed over it. The doc told me senior citizens get depressed over it - and I was only 26!)
Well, plus I lost my precious grandmother and my wonderful best friend, Sammie - right around that time, too. It was just a really, really hard time.
And my father and I weren't really talking - ugh, I'm getting depressed just thinking about it.
Anyhoo - this move is kicking our asses!
We need $7000 - like, today!
Hubby is talking about selling the van and the truck. Oh my God. I don't know how we'll ever get a replacement vehicle - for either one of us.
Our credit is too bad to finance, and we surely won't have enough money to just outright buy one.
But when you're stucker than stuck, drastic measures sound like they will save the day.
So there is a real possibility we might lose both vehicles and the house.
I just keep reminding myself that God doesn't have any grandchildren. And I am trying to feel His loving arms supporting me.
But I am so scared. Or, I was so scared. After having a long (bawling) talk with God this morning, I feel somewhat better. Like I know it all still sucks, but, I'm not scared to death anymore.
God didn't bring me this far to drop me.
Healthy habits for Wed, February 7
Ok, yesterday was a super-great day!
I think I forgot to pray in the morning, though. Oops.
I did exercise, though - Puppy and Patrick and I went for a walk - it was really nice.
And I didn't drink a water bottle, but, I was out of Sprite most of the day, so I was drinking KoolAid all day. And since it is not caffeinated and not carbonated, it does count as a 'good beverage' - I think I'm remembering that from Weight Watchers...not sure, but, I know it is good.
Not that a cupful of sugar water is good, but, hey - we're working on it, right?
I think I forgot to pray in the morning, though. Oops.
I did exercise, though - Puppy and Patrick and I went for a walk - it was really nice.
And I didn't drink a water bottle, but, I was out of Sprite most of the day, so I was drinking KoolAid all day. And since it is not caffeinated and not carbonated, it does count as a 'good beverage' - I think I'm remembering that from Weight Watchers...not sure, but, I know it is good.
Not that a cupful of sugar water is good, but, hey - we're working on it, right?
Healthy habits for Tues, February 6
Let's see - I forgot to post yesterday, let me see if I can remember what happened on Tuesday.
I know I didn't do the whole list, but....
Oh! I know!
I forgot to pray in the morning and I didn't get to exercise!
Ok, so that's that.
I know I didn't do the whole list, but....
Oh! I know!
I forgot to pray in the morning and I didn't get to exercise!
Ok, so that's that.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Healthy Habits for Mon, February 5
I forgot to read and I didn't get to exercise, but, I had a pretty good day, otherwise.
And today is totally rockin! Yea!!
And today is totally rockin! Yea!!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Healthy Habits for Sat-Sun, February 3-4
Not so hot. Not terrible, but, I just didn't make the list.
I still wasn't feeling very well.
I am focusing on making that list happen today, though!
I still wasn't feeling very well.
I am focusing on making that list happen today, though!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Hurts in the sand - blessings in stone
I came across this wonderful story this morning at Two Moms In A Blog, a lovely and sweet blog I've been reading since it was started about a year ago.
The story is called Written in Sand. Check it out - I know you'll love it as much as I did!
The story is called Written in Sand. Check it out - I know you'll love it as much as I did!
Healthy habits for Thurs, February 1st
Ha! I just realized when writing(typing) out the title, I never even changed all the calendars in the house! Funny - I usually love doing that, especially the one from my mom full of pictures of the kids!
Well, I was just getting back into the swing of things yesterday, so...
No - I didn't totally make it on the daily to-do list, but, that is only because I didn't 'move my body'. But I was an energetic crazy woman last night - runnin' around doing some straightening up, etc - going up and down the stairs constantly for this, that, and the other! So I was 'moving around a lot'!! So - compared to the rest of the week - I'd even say that passed for 'moving my body'!
So I'm going to change my answer - YES! I made the list yesterday!
It's so great to feel better!
I was singsonging this morning...."I'm not sick, I'm not sick..."
EDITED TO ADD: oops!! I forgot - I didn't read yesterday, so ok, maybe I didn't make the list - that's ok! heehee
Well, I was just getting back into the swing of things yesterday, so...
No - I didn't totally make it on the daily to-do list, but, that is only because I didn't 'move my body'. But I was an energetic crazy woman last night - runnin' around doing some straightening up, etc - going up and down the stairs constantly for this, that, and the other! So I was 'moving around a lot'!! So - compared to the rest of the week - I'd even say that passed for 'moving my body'!
So I'm going to change my answer - YES! I made the list yesterday!
It's so great to feel better!
I was singsonging this morning...."I'm not sick, I'm not sick..."
EDITED TO ADD: oops!! I forgot - I didn't read yesterday, so ok, maybe I didn't make the list - that's ok! heehee
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Everything is connected to everything
And there is a natural flow to it all, if I am letting the flow happen.
It never ceases to amaze me, when the flow happens ...and the connections happen
Ok, bear with me while I spill it and see if I can make sense doing so.
Where to start? How about with yesterday....
I'd been sick for five days, still attempting to plug away at the computer, blogging, making money, etc...
Tuesday, I kept saying to myself, 'ok, I'm going to go lie down in a minute....' and never did and the next thing you know, the kids are home, and yada yada
So back to yesterday - I sat at the computer for an hour after the kids left, and then realized that I had to go back to bed. There was just no question about it.
Well, guess what? I got up later in the afternoon, and I felt a lot better - still rotten, but, a lot better. I was able to sit at the computer and get little bits of stuff done.
And then all of a sudden, I realized, I felt even better still. And then, when I woke up this morning, I felt even better still.
And it was funny - when I woke up yesterday afternoon, I had the most peaceful feeling - and I felt so very taken care of.
I often miss being taken care of when I'm sick, because my mother was so very good at it, and my poor sweet redneck man, is so ...well, it's just not his thing.
But when I woke up yesterday - I didn't feel the longing for that care. I felt I had gotten it. I just cozied up there in the cool sheets and felt wonderfully taken care of. It was so nice.
So - here's the connection... I met this wonderful gal through blogging - she is a fabulous life coach with a spirit like you wouldn't believe! Her name is Kammie. And I was reading on her blog today and I found this post: 7 Sassy Steps to Self-Loving YOU - in which my favorite, and the one that really resonated with me - was number 1:
1) What one thing could you commit to doing each day that showed YOU – you’re crazy about you? Pick one daily self-loving habit and stick to it. It reinforces to your subconscious that above all the other responsibilities and distractions in your life, you put yourself first.
And as I read it, I was nodding and uh-huh-ing, and saying, that is just in line with my daily to-do list! Wait! That is even more in line with my having gone back to bed yesterday! Going back to bed in the middle of the day is something that I just rarely do - I normally feel too guilty - ugh - there's that word.... (I've got lots of work to do with that icky word ..guilt)
And the really funny part is - the sickness BROKE - after I was willing to take care of ME!
Imagine that!
So should I go back to bed every day? Well, no - I mean - I know my mom's best friend has taken a daily nap all of her adult life - so I could. But I don't know if I will - that was because I was sick. I think I'll think on it, and add one thing to my daily list that is a little more ...oh...uh.... pampering, I guess you could say.
All of the stuff on my daily to-do list is good for me, and very self-loving, but, maybe I need to think of something that is a little more personal. That would be cool.
I was getting yogurt for myself every Tuesday, when I would pick up Sammie from choir, but, now that we are a one-car family for a while, I lost that little bit of self-love. Bummer.
I could get yogurt on Friday nights and then go to the local AA meeting at the church. There's a thought.
There is one more connection that I have been wanting to tell you about with all of this self-healing that my brain has been focused on lately.
My husband was home one day from work, and he and I went out to eat - Subway, that is a good place to go to treat yourself right in a good way! And then we went to my neighbor's book store. I love that store! It is so awesome - lots of old books, toys, even typewriters - and they even have a cat or two that live there.
They also have newer books, and I found a great one by Dr. Phil. (No eye-rolling, please - this is my blog and I happen to like the man. hehehe) The book is all about coming clean with yourself, being true to yourself, and living the life you want to live.
That is right where I'm at right now. How totally perfect that I would run into that book in my neighbor's used bookstore, just full of random books.
Marilu Henner is the first person I heard (read) say that - Everything is connected to everything. --- and it is so amazing to me - when I am open to my life, open to God, trying to live a spiritually, mentally, emotionally healthy life, the connections are everywhere!
It is so awesome.
It never ceases to amaze me, when the flow happens ...and the connections happen
Ok, bear with me while I spill it and see if I can make sense doing so.
Where to start? How about with yesterday....
I'd been sick for five days, still attempting to plug away at the computer, blogging, making money, etc...
Tuesday, I kept saying to myself, 'ok, I'm going to go lie down in a minute....' and never did and the next thing you know, the kids are home, and yada yada
So back to yesterday - I sat at the computer for an hour after the kids left, and then realized that I had to go back to bed. There was just no question about it.
Well, guess what? I got up later in the afternoon, and I felt a lot better - still rotten, but, a lot better. I was able to sit at the computer and get little bits of stuff done.
And then all of a sudden, I realized, I felt even better still. And then, when I woke up this morning, I felt even better still.
And it was funny - when I woke up yesterday afternoon, I had the most peaceful feeling - and I felt so very taken care of.
I often miss being taken care of when I'm sick, because my mother was so very good at it, and my poor sweet redneck man, is so ...well, it's just not his thing.
But when I woke up yesterday - I didn't feel the longing for that care. I felt I had gotten it. I just cozied up there in the cool sheets and felt wonderfully taken care of. It was so nice.
So - here's the connection... I met this wonderful gal through blogging - she is a fabulous life coach with a spirit like you wouldn't believe! Her name is Kammie. And I was reading on her blog today and I found this post: 7 Sassy Steps to Self-Loving YOU - in which my favorite, and the one that really resonated with me - was number 1:
1) What one thing could you commit to doing each day that showed YOU – you’re crazy about you? Pick one daily self-loving habit and stick to it. It reinforces to your subconscious that above all the other responsibilities and distractions in your life, you put yourself first.
And as I read it, I was nodding and uh-huh-ing, and saying, that is just in line with my daily to-do list! Wait! That is even more in line with my having gone back to bed yesterday! Going back to bed in the middle of the day is something that I just rarely do - I normally feel too guilty - ugh - there's that word.... (I've got lots of work to do with that icky word ..guilt)
And the really funny part is - the sickness BROKE - after I was willing to take care of ME!
Imagine that!
So should I go back to bed every day? Well, no - I mean - I know my mom's best friend has taken a daily nap all of her adult life - so I could. But I don't know if I will - that was because I was sick. I think I'll think on it, and add one thing to my daily list that is a little more ...oh...uh.... pampering, I guess you could say.
All of the stuff on my daily to-do list is good for me, and very self-loving, but, maybe I need to think of something that is a little more personal. That would be cool.
I was getting yogurt for myself every Tuesday, when I would pick up Sammie from choir, but, now that we are a one-car family for a while, I lost that little bit of self-love. Bummer.
I could get yogurt on Friday nights and then go to the local AA meeting at the church. There's a thought.
There is one more connection that I have been wanting to tell you about with all of this self-healing that my brain has been focused on lately.
My husband was home one day from work, and he and I went out to eat - Subway, that is a good place to go to treat yourself right in a good way! And then we went to my neighbor's book store. I love that store! It is so awesome - lots of old books, toys, even typewriters - and they even have a cat or two that live there.
They also have newer books, and I found a great one by Dr. Phil. (No eye-rolling, please - this is my blog and I happen to like the man. hehehe) The book is all about coming clean with yourself, being true to yourself, and living the life you want to live.
That is right where I'm at right now. How totally perfect that I would run into that book in my neighbor's used bookstore, just full of random books.
Marilu Henner is the first person I heard (read) say that - Everything is connected to everything. --- and it is so amazing to me - when I am open to my life, open to God, trying to live a spiritually, mentally, emotionally healthy life, the connections are everywhere!
It is so awesome.
Glory be! I feel better!
Oh thank God!!! I feel so much better today!
I still have quite a few of my symptoms, but, I don't have that God-awful-I-just-got-hit-by-a-truck feeling that sent me back to bed at 8:30 yesterday morning.
I went up and down the back steps JUST FINE! WOW!
The only thing that concerns me is my ear is still plugged up, so it could be the beginnings of an ear infection - but, maybe not...
Do viral ickies mess with your ears - or just bacterial? Because, really - the rest of me feels a lot better. The sore throat is not as sore, I'm hardly coughing, I only feel a little feverish....
So everything is going in a good direction, I just don't know if I still might need antibiotics.
Well, I think I'll wait it out and see.
I was thinking I might call my husband's friend in Dallas, and ask her if she could send me some Mexican antibiotics. She crosses the border several times a year for stuff like meds, and their awesome vanilla extract and stuff.
That would save a trip to the doctor, for sure! ....we seriously don't have the cash for that right now!
I'm just so happy to feel so much better today!
I still have quite a few of my symptoms, but, I don't have that God-awful-I-just-got-hit-by-a-truck feeling that sent me back to bed at 8:30 yesterday morning.
I went up and down the back steps JUST FINE! WOW!
The only thing that concerns me is my ear is still plugged up, so it could be the beginnings of an ear infection - but, maybe not...
Do viral ickies mess with your ears - or just bacterial? Because, really - the rest of me feels a lot better. The sore throat is not as sore, I'm hardly coughing, I only feel a little feverish....
So everything is going in a good direction, I just don't know if I still might need antibiotics.
Well, I think I'll wait it out and see.
I was thinking I might call my husband's friend in Dallas, and ask her if she could send me some Mexican antibiotics. She crosses the border several times a year for stuff like meds, and their awesome vanilla extract and stuff.
That would save a trip to the doctor, for sure! ....we seriously don't have the cash for that right now!
I'm just so happy to feel so much better today!
Healthy habits for Wed, January 31
Not too bad for a sick girly! Heehee
All I missed was 'move your body' and I also forgot to pray in the morning.
But I got all the rest in.
Very cool.
I'm pleased with that.
All I missed was 'move your body' and I also forgot to pray in the morning.
But I got all the rest in.
Very cool.
I'm pleased with that.
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