A journey to health - spiritual, physical, emotional - because it's all about the journey!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Working at home is great
I really do love working at home, but, sometimes even I long for a job out in the world. Most of the jobs that I had previously involved, in one way or another, working reception desks. And this blogging friend I have, LatteGirl, just took a job at the reception desk of a hotel. And I must say that I was rather surprised to find myself jealous and longing for a new reception job. It was really weird. But there were definitely some parts about working outside the home that were fulfilling. And sometimes even fun. For now, though - I think I'll just stay right here!

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Clay Nelson Life Balance

I just listened to the most wonderful motivational CD's! They were by Clay Nelson, who is an awesome life coach and is so inspiring! There were three of the CD's, and I just listened to them practically straight through, so that I could come and tell you about them. But I intend to listen to them again, more slowly this time, stopping in between to actually do the exercises he recommends. And then I will come back and update you as I go through each one. The set I listened to is the Getting Started Series - Having a Say in How Your Life Turns Out. I totally loved everything that he had to say, and he really opened my eyes to some of my skewed perceptions of life around me. One of my biggest issues right now, probably my biggest issue (no pun intended) ;) is my weight. And the funny thing is that I didn't subconsciously set out to, or decide to, make any changes after listening. I just felt emotionally and spiritually rejuvenated, and I haven't been eating as much, as a result. So - before I actually, intentionally, put into practice, any of his advice - things are already better for me. Can you imagine how amazing it will be when I intentionally follow his guidelines? Totally awesome! I can't wait to go back through the audio program and then get my life and my spirit back on track!
Child stardom often leads to such sadness
I was watching one of Lindsay Lohan's old movies with Sammie last night, and it just made me so sad for her. She was so cute and so sweet and such a delightful little actress. I say delightful, because, she wasn't all that great - but, she was fun to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her 'come of age' through her movies. It was fun to see her grow. And then, where did she wind up? In and out of drug rehabilitation units - it's so sad. And I was thinking, as we watched the movie, the percentage of these child stars that wind up like this is so great, that it is a wonder that any parent ever advocates for their child to land a big role. I do hope that she can pull her act together and live a happy life - it would be a shame to see her go down the tubes just because she wanted to be a movie star!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Give me light or just forget it!
It is so true - when I get depressed, a dark and dreary room just makes it worse! When we have day after day of cloudiness, I start to get a little crazy - especially in my kitchen! It is so dim, and I just cannot brighten it up in there! I keep thinking that there is some light that I haven't turned on because it is so gloomy in there, and I look around for one more light to turn on - that 'magic, let's all feel better now', light! And it's just not there. I think whoever bought the main light fixture for the kitchen just picked the wrong kind for the way that room is set up. I would love to buy something else for in there, like maybe a pretty lamp. I actually thought we had the problem solved the other day, because I accidentally knocked a piece off of the cooktop. And it was the piece that covered up the fluorescent light on the cooktop. When I turned on that light without the cover on, it so brightly illuminated the room - almost exactly like I've been wanting! It was just too glaring without the cover on. And I was sure that the light hadn't been working, and that somehow, by knocking the top of it off, I had made it work. And that if Mark could just get the piece that fell behind the stove, and put it back on, all would be well.
But, yet again, I'm so silly. The cover was metal, not the opaque covers you generally find on fluorescent lights. And when we put it back on, it did work. The only thing is, I remembered that it had been working all along. But, with that darn metal cover on it, it only illuminated the cooktop. That was a bummer!
The really tricky part of all of this is that I need light to curb my depression, but, with all of these migraines, I need darkness. Now that is quite a pickle to be in!
But, yet again, I'm so silly. The cover was metal, not the opaque covers you generally find on fluorescent lights. And when we put it back on, it did work. The only thing is, I remembered that it had been working all along. But, with that darn metal cover on it, it only illuminated the cooktop. That was a bummer!
The really tricky part of all of this is that I need light to curb my depression, but, with all of these migraines, I need darkness. Now that is quite a pickle to be in!
RC Cars and Trucks
I love RC Cars and Trucks! They are so much fun, and now they are getting so fancy - and so fast! Some of them even run on real gasoline! I posted over on Hippie Spelunker - H2 the other day about how much I love trucks, and how it all began, and why my 'Hippie' blog is nicknamed for a gas-guzzling monster!
And at 37 years old, I still have a very healthy love of toys - and you put trucks and toys together, and the FUN is on!!
There was this one RC pickup truck once, that was for sale one Christmas at our local grocery store, and I wanted it so badly!! There was one small hangup Mark had with buying it for me! (Men- gah!)
What was the hangup? The bugger cost $400!! Oh my gawd!
That one was really big, but, about that same time, they came out with some that weren't that big, but, were totally awesome! They were definitely larger than your average RC car, but, they were so freaking fast, it was unbelievable!
We were at my mom's house on Christmas day, and we kept hearing this VERY loud noise outside! My first thought was, 'Who on earth is doing yardwork on Christmas?!'
And then my next thought was, 'And why in the heck is their power tool so loud?!'
But then we looked outside and couldn't believe what we saw! Setting up the scene in your head, my mom lives across the street from my elementary school. So every Christmas, everyone is out there in the driveway with their new bikes, rollerskates, skateboards, RC cars, etc! It is lots of fun watching the parade of neighbors and seeing what everybody got from Santa!
And that is what we saw - a guy running his new RC car down the length of the school driveway (about eight houses long) in just seconds! It was so awesome!
I unashamedly nurture my love for toys. Some people think it is silly, but, I think it is good for mental health! But the weird thing is, I never looked these speed-demon RC cars up - not even once! What was I thinking?! I'm heading to the Hobby Warehouse right now to go look them up - I hope they're not as much as that giant $400 one, because the college parking lot across the street would be perfect for them!
And at 37 years old, I still have a very healthy love of toys - and you put trucks and toys together, and the FUN is on!!
There was this one RC pickup truck once, that was for sale one Christmas at our local grocery store, and I wanted it so badly!! There was one small hangup Mark had with buying it for me! (Men- gah!)

That one was really big, but, about that same time, they came out with some that weren't that big, but, were totally awesome! They were definitely larger than your average RC car, but, they were so freaking fast, it was unbelievable!
We were at my mom's house on Christmas day, and we kept hearing this VERY loud noise outside! My first thought was, 'Who on earth is doing yardwork on Christmas?!'
And then my next thought was, 'And why in the heck is their power tool so loud?!'
But then we looked outside and couldn't believe what we saw! Setting up the scene in your head, my mom lives across the street from my elementary school. So every Christmas, everyone is out there in the driveway with their new bikes, rollerskates, skateboards, RC cars, etc! It is lots of fun watching the parade of neighbors and seeing what everybody got from Santa!
And that is what we saw - a guy running his new RC car down the length of the school driveway (about eight houses long) in just seconds! It was so awesome!
I unashamedly nurture my love for toys. Some people think it is silly, but, I think it is good for mental health! But the weird thing is, I never looked these speed-demon RC cars up - not even once! What was I thinking?! I'm heading to the Hobby Warehouse right now to go look them up - I hope they're not as much as that giant $400 one, because the college parking lot across the street would be perfect for them!
Should weight loss be motivated by gifts?
I don't know, I often think that just being thin and healthy again would be, and should be, enough of a prize. I think that maybe it would be enough motivation. But, as I'm still stuck in the same old place, maybe 'dangling the carrot' is not such a bad idea.
A couple of Decembers ago, I bought myself the most gorgeous purple suede dress, thinking it could serve this purpose. I actually found it at the Goodwill, but, it was in such amazingly good condition - for only $6 - that I had to snatch it up! I knew it was way too many sizes too small, but, with it being in such good condition, and being just the kind of dress that I love - I bought it, thinking I would motivate myself to get moving, knowing that it was in my closet waiting for me.
It is still waiting, though. Maybe the prize needs to get bigger - I like the thought of that.
I would love to reward myself with a trip! It would be really great, and inspiring, to know that if I met my weight loss goals, I could go on a nice getaway! I'd love to go to New York City - one of my very favorite cities! My mom took me a few years back, and we are both itching to go again. Or I could go to Branson, Missouri - ever since I read about it in Reader's Digest years ago, I have wanted to go there! It's cool, because it is billed as "Family Friendly Las Vegas", and seeing as I no longer drink or party, that would fit me perfectly! (Well, except for my 'sailor's mouth' - we'll have to work on that, too, I guess!)
So - what do you think? Do you think offering up gifts or trips as the proverbial carrot is a good way to approach getting healthier?
A couple of Decembers ago, I bought myself the most gorgeous purple suede dress, thinking it could serve this purpose. I actually found it at the Goodwill, but, it was in such amazingly good condition - for only $6 - that I had to snatch it up! I knew it was way too many sizes too small, but, with it being in such good condition, and being just the kind of dress that I love - I bought it, thinking I would motivate myself to get moving, knowing that it was in my closet waiting for me.
It is still waiting, though. Maybe the prize needs to get bigger - I like the thought of that.

So - what do you think? Do you think offering up gifts or trips as the proverbial carrot is a good way to approach getting healthier?
I've finally started walking again.
And I have really been enjoying myself. The other day, I went walking when the college classes were switching, and I just happened to walk over by the college. And it was so neat to feel the 'vibes' of a college environment again. So that was pretty cool.
And one of the things that I've been doing while I'm walking is scoping out all the neighbor's mail boxes. No, not to steal their mail! Don't be silly! I'm shopping. Yes - shopping, checking out all the different kinds of mailboxes available right now. Our 'mailbox', and I use that term very loosely, is in such a pitiful state that it is not even funny! I'm so serious. For starters, it has a deceased man's name on the side of it. Ok, then. And what's really odd, is that we sometimes still get mail for him! He went to Heaven in the year 2000!! Alrighty, then!
He and his wife had this house built in the early 60's, and I'm quite positive that the mailbox we are using is the original one! I've been meaning to take a picture of it to blog, and now that I'm telling you all about it, I definitely have to!
I will, but, getting back to walking - it is so cool, because, I never have to spend another cent at a health club again! Really! See, our little neighborhood has been lovingly nicknamed, by yours truly, 'Little San Francisco'. And that it is.
There are hills this way, and there are hills that way. There are steep hills, and hills you don't even realize you're actually on until you become completely out of breath, and your calves want to reach up and choke you!
The multitude of variables I can apply to my workouts, just by taking a different route, are innumerable.
In fact, during one of my recent walks, I was thinking about how much weight I could have already lost, having been here since July of 2006, had I been a little more disciplined about getting my butt out there!
And one of the things that I've been doing while I'm walking is scoping out all the neighbor's mail boxes. No, not to steal their mail! Don't be silly! I'm shopping. Yes - shopping, checking out all the different kinds of mailboxes available right now. Our 'mailbox', and I use that term very loosely, is in such a pitiful state that it is not even funny! I'm so serious. For starters, it has a deceased man's name on the side of it. Ok, then. And what's really odd, is that we sometimes still get mail for him! He went to Heaven in the year 2000!! Alrighty, then!
He and his wife had this house built in the early 60's, and I'm quite positive that the mailbox we are using is the original one! I've been meaning to take a picture of it to blog, and now that I'm telling you all about it, I definitely have to!
I will, but, getting back to walking - it is so cool, because, I never have to spend another cent at a health club again! Really! See, our little neighborhood has been lovingly nicknamed, by yours truly, 'Little San Francisco'. And that it is.
There are hills this way, and there are hills that way. There are steep hills, and hills you don't even realize you're actually on until you become completely out of breath, and your calves want to reach up and choke you!
The multitude of variables I can apply to my workouts, just by taking a different route, are innumerable.
In fact, during one of my recent walks, I was thinking about how much weight I could have already lost, having been here since July of 2006, had I been a little more disciplined about getting my butt out there!
We've got another bathroom!
We just got another bathroom! Just went online, ordered it, and it arrived last week! I'm so excited!

Ok, and I'm a total dork, too! That's not exactly how it happened! See, we moved into this 'three bathroom' house, only to discover it really was a 'one and two halves' bathroom house! Ugh! That's right - two of the shower faucets were totally un-useable! So, for the first time since the kids were toddlers, we are having to share a shower with them! Lame!
Well, last week, with my father coming into town, Mark got to working on the bathroom downstairs. It now has a working light in it, whereas before you had to turn on the light in the shower to see in there! And the shower is useable!
Now, true - this is in the basement, and doesn't help me all that much, but, it is a step in the right direction - and that just gets me to

Well, last week, with my father coming into town, Mark got to working on the bathroom downstairs. It now has a working light in it, whereas before you had to turn on the light in the shower to see in there! And the shower is useable!
Now, true - this is in the basement, and doesn't help me all that much, but, it is a step in the right direction - and that just gets me to

Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Headache NewsBlog
Now here is a blog that I need to keep up with, for sure - The Headache NewsBlog! I think I'll be adding them in my blogroll here! These people know a lot about headaches, migraines in particular, and seem to be up on what's current in the treatment of such. I don't know that I've blogged about it here as much as I have at Hippie Spelunker, but, I am a chronic migraine sufferer, or migraineur, as we are sometimes called. They talk a lot on this headache site about Botox for headaches. I've heard little bits and pieces through the years about this, but, I don't know much about it and certainly have never tried it. A lot of what I have tried is either over-the-counter remedies or meds that I'm already on. I don't have health insurance, so that severely limits my treatment options. One thing that really freaked me out on The Headache NewsBlog was discussion of surgery for migraines. Some doctors actually propose cutting some muscles in the forehead - yeowtch! I would venture to say that, along with myself, many other migraineurs would not even begin to consider this. I can imagine the plan totally backfiring and a lifetime of extreme pain - no thank you. Besides that, look at it this way - something inside my skull is killing me - and I'm going to let you near it with something sharp and the intent to do some cutting?! I don't think so! Luckily, the doctors at this site, do not speak very highly of this procedure. It would be so awesome if someone would come up with a plan of treatment that wasn't unbelievably expensive, though, like some of the few that I have tried. I never went back to using any of them because they just cost too much. I'm going to definitely keep my eyes on this blog, though, and see if I can learn anything helpful to get rid of these buggers!
Drinking healthy - The Switch
I so need to make the switch over to 'The Switch' - a wonderfully delicious fruit juice SODA! Yep - it's carbonated fruit juice, but, it's 100% juice - and let me tell you, it is SO good! When I was in Dallas, my sister-in-law found it at Target and brought some home and we all just loved it! And do I ever need to get off soda! So it was good for me, because, I need to get off of soda, and it was good for my little nephew, because, now he feels like he's getting soda! It's perfect! We all liked the drinks so much that I promptly got on the internet and looked for a website and a contact email. I found it right away and sent them a quick note, telling them how much myself and my family loved their new product. And they promptly replied - and they were so nice and friendly! And guess what? They sent me a shirt and sent some promo goodies for my nephew, too! He got some tattoos and a Frisbee and he was so excited! I have been telling everyone I know about these drinks. I bet if I had a pack of advertising pens for The Switch, too, I could just tell that many more people! This is a yummy drink, though, ya'll! And it's so much better for you than soda!
Kiss my grits, Mel!
I just love the show "Alice"! I recently saw an episode and was totally taken down memory lane! I even recently noticed that you can watch episodes online for free at an AOL site. That is really cool! I don't know what it was about that show, but, when I was a kid I loved watching it so much! It might have been Linda Lavin, or her character, rather. Alice just seemed like such a great person, and she seemed to be doing such a great job as a single mother.
But I think it was more than just that, because, I can feel myself wanting to go on and on about Vera and Flo, too - and maybe even Mel! I just loved everything about it, and when I watched it, I felt like I was a very quiet customer sitting in a corner booth just watching everything going on! I remember actually wishing that I could move to Phoenix! I'm not kidding! Since we have been talking about moving lately, I guess I could check up on Phoenix real estate, but, I doubt we'd want to deal with the heat! It definitely would be cool to see the diner that the show was based on which is still there and in business!

I see 'Skinny Lisa' - don't you?
I see her, she's right there - right over there! Don't you see her? If you don't - then you're just not looking hard enough. See, I talked to a psychic recently, and I really liked her! She was so nice, and even though she refused to give me the winning lottery numbers, she did help me feel a lot better!
And the most important thing that I came away with, was to 'see myself thin'. My instructions were to look in the mirror several times a day and envision myself skinny again. There really is something to that. All kinds of life coaches will tell you the same thing. I think that is the main premise behind 'The Secret', too. I haven't watched the whole thing, yet, so I'm not sure. But I'm pretty sure it is.
So now you might be wanting to ask me, 'Well, Lisa, is it working? Huh, is it?' Well, I could answer that if I'd been good about doing it. I haven't. I think I did it for a few days after talking with her, and then life got busy and life got crazy, and the best laid plans...
You know how the story goes. Maybe I should add it to The Healthy Habits List.
And the most important thing that I came away with, was to 'see myself thin'. My instructions were to look in the mirror several times a day and envision myself skinny again. There really is something to that. All kinds of life coaches will tell you the same thing. I think that is the main premise behind 'The Secret', too. I haven't watched the whole thing, yet, so I'm not sure. But I'm pretty sure it is.
So now you might be wanting to ask me, 'Well, Lisa, is it working? Huh, is it?' Well, I could answer that if I'd been good about doing it. I haven't. I think I did it for a few days after talking with her, and then life got busy and life got crazy, and the best laid plans...
You know how the story goes. Maybe I should add it to The Healthy Habits List.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
An awesome site for pet supplies
You have to go see this rockin' cool site for pet supplies! It's called Internet Pet Emporium and it has some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen for pets!
I wish I still had a cat, because their cat houses are really neat! I have always loved those things, anyway, but, they have some amazing ones! Geez, back when I bought my first cat a 'cat condo' about seventeen years ago - it was the most basic and simple thing. I wonder how Elvira would've liked it if I had bought her one from Internet Pet Emporium - I bet she would have loved it!
Knowing Elvira, I think she would have liked this one the best:

She was very independent (I know, she was a cat, but, I mean - even for a cat!) and she really liked being up high away from people who might possibly mess with her! And she never really liked the 'inside' part of the cat condo that I bought her. I think she felt safer 'seeing' what was going on around her, so that she could be 'on top of things', you know? Well, I was very young at the time I had her (sounds like I'm talking about my child! well, she was my first baby!) and I was going and going all the time, and when I was home, I brought lots of friends, usually. So there was often a lot of chaos in the place! Poor girl! She was such a cool cat - I miss her so much!
Because I was young and single and going all of the time, I would've loved to have had one of the pet watering systems from Internet Pet Emporium! That would've been so handy! But I guess we did alright with just putting out multiple bowls. Not the most ideal situation, but, it worked for us.
She was just such a cool cat, ya'll - and she and I were tight! Seriously! She always came to me when I called her - my brother got the biggest kick out of that whenever he would come over.
He would say, "How's Elvira?" And I'd say, "I don't know. Let's find out - Elviiiiiira!"
And into the room she'd come running! I've never had a cat, before or since, that would do that! I wish I had a picture to show you of her - she was completely gorgeous - solid black. My pretty girl.
Well, there are definitely a lot of cool things for dogs on Internet Pet Emporium, so I guess I'm just going to have to turn my attention in that direction! I sure miss my sweet girl, though!
I wish I still had a cat, because their cat houses are really neat! I have always loved those things, anyway, but, they have some amazing ones! Geez, back when I bought my first cat a 'cat condo' about seventeen years ago - it was the most basic and simple thing. I wonder how Elvira would've liked it if I had bought her one from Internet Pet Emporium - I bet she would have loved it!
Knowing Elvira, I think she would have liked this one the best:

She was very independent (I know, she was a cat, but, I mean - even for a cat!) and she really liked being up high away from people who might possibly mess with her! And she never really liked the 'inside' part of the cat condo that I bought her. I think she felt safer 'seeing' what was going on around her, so that she could be 'on top of things', you know? Well, I was very young at the time I had her (sounds like I'm talking about my child! well, she was my first baby!) and I was going and going all the time, and when I was home, I brought lots of friends, usually. So there was often a lot of chaos in the place! Poor girl! She was such a cool cat - I miss her so much!
Because I was young and single and going all of the time, I would've loved to have had one of the pet watering systems from Internet Pet Emporium! That would've been so handy! But I guess we did alright with just putting out multiple bowls. Not the most ideal situation, but, it worked for us.
She was just such a cool cat, ya'll - and she and I were tight! Seriously! She always came to me when I called her - my brother got the biggest kick out of that whenever he would come over.
He would say, "How's Elvira?" And I'd say, "I don't know. Let's find out - Elviiiiiira!"
And into the room she'd come running! I've never had a cat, before or since, that would do that! I wish I had a picture to show you of her - she was completely gorgeous - solid black. My pretty girl.
Well, there are definitely a lot of cool things for dogs on Internet Pet Emporium, so I guess I'm just going to have to turn my attention in that direction! I sure miss my sweet girl, though!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
We've had a Dell delay!
That darn deliveryman! Haha! Just kidding, totally kidding! Actually, my poor dad has been quite ill. He had a fever that just didn't want to leave him alone! So he is going to come visit next Friday and deliver said Dell.
I was getting a little worried about him, since he lives alone. And so I asked him if he had a thermometer. I just don't think of a single man living alone as a person who would have a thermometer. Heck - I didn't even have one until I had kids.
When I asked him, though, he asked me why. I told him that if his fever were too high, he'd need to go to the hospital.
His reply?
"Nah, I'll just go to the crematorium."
Just like that. Just flat. Just a fact.

I swear! That man cracks me up!!!
Anyhoo - he'll be hear next weekend cracking my ass up and giving me the finest machine I've ever owned!
I was getting a little worried about him, since he lives alone. And so I asked him if he had a thermometer. I just don't think of a single man living alone as a person who would have a thermometer. Heck - I didn't even have one until I had kids.
When I asked him, though, he asked me why. I told him that if his fever were too high, he'd need to go to the hospital.
His reply?
"Nah, I'll just go to the crematorium."
Just like that. Just flat. Just a fact.

I swear! That man cracks me up!!!
Anyhoo - he'll be hear next weekend cracking my ass up and giving me the finest machine I've ever owned!
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