So I am here today to make things right! Pictures of my precious beastly beast:

This next one, is a bit more fair, as it is at his last birthday party, October 8, 2006 - his fourth birthday. So it is definitely more recent. In the photo, he is eating his cake I made for him. Yes, I made him a cake. Hey - did you get cake on your birthday?

So there you have it, folks - the pics that will help you vote and entertain me while I try out this new Blogger poll feature.
what a cutey, what breed of dog is he ?
I would guess he goes around 110lbs.
His vet back home(Dallas, TX) and I think he is Great Dane and St. Bernard - but, it is really just anyone's guess, as he is an SPCA dog!
He is just my sweetheart, though - I love him so much!!
This is my overweight bad dog named Bear, he is an American Black & Tan Coonhound who is 10 year old now, this picture is around 3 years old...
I see it cut off the url, I will do a short one and repost .
try this url..
OMG!!!!! He's so adorable, I can't take it! Look at those feet! And those floppy ears and those big sad dopey eyes!!!
Gorgeous, completely gorgeous - thank you for sharing the pic with me!!
I can't get the pic to load from that url...lol, I am glad that you could.
I have a Pyrenees thats 125 pounds and that dog is probably a good 6 inches shorter than he is. I'm going to have to say around 80.
Ok, dragonfly - if that's your final answer...
What a cutie! Yummm, birthday cake. My Mum got me a Gotcha Day cake once, loved it! Thanks for stopping by my blog.....visit again soon, K?
Thanks for visiting me, too, Johann! I'll be sure and visit you some more!
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